Collins Chabane Local Municipality in partnership with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment has 320 job opportunities within the Greening and Cleaning Programme vacancies. It is in this regard that the municipality would like to call upon all interested participants.
The requirements for submission are the follows: Greening and Cleaning Programme vacancies
- Be a resident of Collins Chabane Municipality (proof of residence detailing the following: stand number, village and ward).
Applicants must apply using the attached pro-forma application form and attach a CV. Kindly note that the participants will be paid a minimum stipend of R130.00 per day. Closing date for submission of CV’s with required is 20 October 2023. The duration for the programme is 12 months starting from the commencement date.
Required documents should be hand delivered at your nearest cluster, Malamulele Town Hall (Security Office}, Njhakanjhaka Community Hall, Vuwani Sub-Office (Xinyata Honwana) (Tengani Nkuna), Saselamani Stadium (Godfrey Chauke), Merwe Stadium (Security Office) and Mdavula Stadium (Security Office).
ALSO APPLY FOR Network Configurations: Learnership Programme 2024
For any further enquiries contact Manganyi Proda (015 851 0110)
NB: Advantage will be given to women and people living with disability and albinism.
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