North West Parks and Tourism Board Internship Programme for Young South Africans
DEADLINE: 17 November, 2023
North West Parks and Tourism Board Internship Programme for Young South Africans (DOWNLOAD ADVERT BELOW TO APPLY)
About North West Parks and Tourism Board
The North West Parks and Tourism Board (NWP&TB) is established by the NWPTB Act 2 of 2022, and registered as a Section 3C state-owned entity reporting to the Department of Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT) in the North West Province.
The vision of the North West Parks and Tourism Board is to create a sustainable biodiversity and tourism economy that creates jobs and protects the environment.
Their mission is to uplift the lives of the people of the province through management of state-owned protected areas, for sustainability, and growth of an inclusive biodiversity and tourism economy.
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