Eligibility Check: Determine if you meet the criteria for Sassa grants, such as age, disability, or income requirements.

Application Submission: Complete the necessary forms and submit your application to the nearest Sassa office or online if available

Application Submission: Complete the necessary forms and submit your application to the nearest Sassa office or online if available

Fill in Document Verification: Sassa will review your application and verify the supporting documents you provided, such as ID, proof of income, or medical certificates some text

Approval Process: Sassa will assess your application and determine your eligibility for the specific grant you applied for

Fill in some Enrollment for 24-Hour Payments: If approved, you will be enrolled in the new 24-hour payment system, ensuring faster access to your funds

Bank Account Setup: If you don't have a bank account, you will need to open one to receive your Sassa grant payment

Payment Processing: Sassa will process your payment within 24 hours, ensuring that the funds are available for withdrawal or use