University of Western Cape applications 2025

The University of the Western Cape is a national 

university, alert to its African and international

 context as it strives to be a place of quality, a 

place to grow. It is committed to excellence in

 teaching, learning and research, to nurturing 

the cultural diversity of South Africa, and to 

responding in critical and creative ways to the

 needs of a society in transition.

Drawing on its proud experience in the liberation 

struggle, the university is aware of a distinctive 

academic role in helping build an equitable and

 dynamic society. In particular it aims to:

  • Advance and protect the independence 
  • of the academic enterprise.
  • Design curricular and research 
  • programmes appropriate to its 
  • southern African context.
  • Click here to apply online
  • Further global perspectives among its 
  • staff and students, thereby strengthening
  •  intellectual life and contributing to South 
  • Africa’s reintegration in the world community.
  • Assist educationally disadvantaged
  •  students gain access to higher
  •  education and succeed in their studies
  • Nurture and use the abilities of all in the university community.
  • Develop effective structures and 
  • conventions of governance, which
  •  are democratic, transparent and 
  • accountable.
  • Seek racial and gender equality and 
  • contribute to helping the historically 
  • marginalised participate 
  • fully in the life of the nation.
  • Click here to apply online
  • Encourage and provide opportunities for 
  • lifelong learning through programmes and
  •  courses.
  • Help conserve and explore the environmental and cultural resources of the southern African region, and to encourage a wide awareness of these resources in the community.

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