SAPS New Vacancies July 2024
To apply, simply click the link at the end of the posts. Best of luck with your applications!
- Divisional Commissioner: National Priority Offences Operations (Lieutenant General)
- Senior Chaplain (Warrant Officer) [Islamic Faith]
Divisional Commissioner: National Priority Offences Operations (Lieutenant General)
LOCATION: Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, Head Office, Pretoria
LEVEL OF REMUNERATION: Band C (SMS) = An all-inclusive flexible remuneration
package of R 2 026 941 per annum is applicable
Generic Requirements:
Applicants must be fluent in at least 2 official languages, of which one must be English;
Applicants must have a valid motor vehicle drivers’ licence;
Applicants must have specific working knowledge of the Directorate for Priority Crime
Investigation (DPCI) mandate and functions (SA Police Service Act 68 of 1995);
An applicable higher qualification/post graduate qualification related to the post, as well as
relevant training and development in an Executive Development Programme, Leadership
and Management Training, and/or Programme and Project Management may be an added
The successful candidate will be required to obtain a security clearance to the level of Top
Secret before approval of appointment (if not already in possession of such a valid security
Additional Requirements:
Applicant must:
Have at least a three (3) year Diploma or Degree (accredited by SAQA on NQF level 6 or
higher). Preference may be given to applicants who are in possession of a qualification in
Policing/ Law/ Criminology/ Forensic Investigation/ Accounting/ Commerce/ Public
Management or other related fields of study;
Have a minimum of 3 years’ appropriate managerial experience in the field of the post;
Have applicable training and development in the General Detective or Serious Organised
Crime or Serious Commercial Crime and or Serious Corruption Investigations environment
(attach certificates).
Core Functions:
The Divisional Commissioner: National Priority Offences Operations is directly accountable
to the National Head: DPCI;
Ensure the management of prevention, combating and investigation of national priority
offences in particular serious organised crime, serious commercial crime and serious
corruption investigations;
Oversee all the operational environments within the DPCI as well as Priority Crime
Specialised Investigation (PCSI) and Forensic Accounting Investigations (FAI);
Establish and maintain working relationship with internal and external role players;
Represent the National Head: DPCI at various forums as directed;
Ensure compliance with information security standards as prescribed by the Minimum
Information Security Standards and relevant legislation;
Manage and utilise all resources (human, physical and financial) allocated to the immediate
post environment in accordance with relevant directives and legislation
Application form specifically developed and circulated with this advertisement
(containing the closing date for applications in Red on page 1) must be utilised.
Application form will also be available at the DPCI Provincial Office, Human Resource
Management as well as on the SAPS Website: https://www.saps.gov.za. The use of any
other application form may result in the rejection of the application.
Please take note of the following requirements and instructions
Please take note of the following requirements and instructions
The closing date for applications is 2024-07-19 at 16:00.
Only the official application form (applicable to SMS posts) will be accepted. All instructions
on the application form must be adhered to. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of
the application form. Each page of the application form must be fully completed,
signed/initialled by the applicant. If there is any part of the application form that is not
relevant to the applicant, it is expected of the applicant to indicate “Not applicable”.
The post particulars (post title and reference number) must be correctly specified on the
application form as contained in this advertisement.
A separate original application form and CV must be submitted for each post you apply for.
The CV must contain full particulars of:
all boards on which an applicant serves;
current employment and other business interests;
career promotions, appointments, career developments, career history,
current studies and qualifications.
An applicant must also attach to every application copies of the following (which may not
to be certified):
courses/programmes obtained;
Degree/Diploma Certificates (study/academic records of
qualifications alone do not suffice) of all educational qualifications;
Matric/Senior certificate;
Identity document; and
valid motor vehicle driver’s license;
Study/academic records should also be attached in order to verify modules/subjects where
necessary (if the qualification certificate is not self-explanatory);
Only the shortlisted candidates will be required to submit the certified document during the
selection process;
Applicants must declare all interests or involvement in a public – or private board or council
or any other private entity of which such interest may create a conflict of interest.
Successful candidates for appointment, will be vetted in terms of Chapter 7, Part 2 of the
Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005) or the National Sex Offenders Register [section 42
of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No
32 of 2007)]. An applicant whose particulars appear in either the National Register for Sex
Offenders or Part B of the Child Protection Register, will be disqualified from appointment to
that post.
Applicants are expected to disclose if he/she is a respondent in an interim or final protection
order in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No 116 of 1998) or Protection from
Harassment Act, 2011 (Act No 17 of 2011), and may be disqualified from appointment to
that post.
The final selected candidate must disclose any financial interest, in the prescribed format
as provided for in the SAPS Employment Regulations, 2018, for newly appointed SMS
candidates or proof of the electronic submission for the previous disclosure period.
Appointments will be made in terms of the SAPS Act, 1995 (Act No 68 of 1995).
Correspondence will be conducted with shortlisted applicants only.
Shortlisted candidates will have to submit two sets of fingerprints to the secretary of the
selection committee.
All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to an assessment center process, in compliance
with the Department: Public Service and Administration directives, which will be used to test
the relevant technical elements of the job and the generic managerial competencies, the
logistics of which will be communicated by the department.
The successful candidate will have to conclude a contract of employment, enter into a
performance agreement and disclose all financial interests in terms of the South African
Police Service Employment Regulations, 2018, and the Public Service Regulations, 2016.
The appointee’s academic qualification will be submitted to SAQA for verification, if not
verified already.
Through the filling of the above-mentioned posts, an applicant whose appointment will
promote representivity may receive preference.
The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation is under no obligation to fill a post after
the advertisement thereof.
Although the post is advertised, the National Head: DPCI may withdraw any post from
advertisement, re-advertise the post or fill the post by transferring a person at the same level
where this is deemed to be in the interest of service delivery.
In accordance with National Instruction 9 of 2016, as well as Regulation 24 of the SAPS
General Regulations, expenses with regard to travel and accommodation of candidates may
be paid by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation.
The appointment of the successful applicant will come into effect on the first day of the month following the date on which the National Head: DPCI approved the appointment.
Application forms may be hand delivered to the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation
at 1 Cresswell Road, Promat Building, Silverton (between 07:30 and 16:00), or may be
couriered to (please note that in the event that an application is couriered, it must be
received at the indicated office before or on the closing date and time specified in this
The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation
Section Commander: Personnel Management
Private Bag X1500
Applications must be couriered/hand delivered timeously. Late applications will not be
considered. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application has been
received at the indicated office on or before the closing date and time of the
advertisement i.e. 2024-07-19 at 16:00
Enquiries can be directed to Colonel A Wessels and Lt Colonel BK Mhlahlo at telephone
number: (012) 846 4067.
The content of this circular must be brought to the attention of all personnel.

Senior Chaplain (Warrant Officer) [Islamic Faith]
LOCATION: Western Cape Provincial EHW, Province Head Office, Cape Town
LEVEL OF REMUNERATION (Band B1) R351 570 per annum
REFERENCES: WCEHW01/2024 (1 post)
Generic Requirements:
Applicants must display competency in the post-specific functions of the post
Be a SA Citizen
Be proficient in at least two official languages, of which one must be English
Be in possession of a valid light motor vehicle driver’s licence
Must have no previous convictions or cases pending
Must not have visible tattoo/s when wearing any uniform of the Service
Applicants will be subjected to a vetting process which will include security screening and
fingerprint verification
Additional Requirements:
Be in a possession of a Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or National Certificate (Vocational)
recorded on the National Learner Record Database on NQF Level 4.
Applicants must be in possession of at least an appropriate 3 year Diploma / Degree in
Islamic Studies/ Theology (accredited by SAQA/ QCTO on NQF 6 level or higher qualifying
him/ her as a Muslim scholar and community leader
Proof of a valid ʿAlīm certificate confirming that the candidate is part of the Muslim body of
scholars confirmed by a supportive statement of the Muslim Judicial Council of South Africa.
Applicant must submit proof of a valid good standing certificate issued by the Muslim
Judicial Council (SA) and ratified by the United Ulama Council of South Africa.
Knowledge, skills and 1 year extensive proven experience as a Muslim scholar and
community leader post recognition as a minister of religion.
Must be able to work in a diverse group, have good interpersonal, communication,
facilitation and presentation, monitoring and evaluation, report writing, problem solving,
conflict resolution and computer skills (Ms Word, Ms Power Point and Ms Office Outlook).
Core Functions:
Develop and render professional Spiritual Services interventions to SAPS employees.
Minister to SAPS employees through developing and rendering support (general and
pastoral care) programmes, interventions and projects to address the spiritual needs of the
SAPS employees.
Address the spiritual needs of SAPS employees and their families through profession specific
Pro- and Re-Active -Spiritual Services ministry.
Develop and implement the multi-disciplinary approach interventions within the Employee
Health and Wellness environment.
Develop and maintain the protocols and policies in terms of the set standards of the Section
Spiritual Services and the Employee Health and Wellness policies.
Advice the office of the Provincial Commissioner and the National Section Spiritual Services
on spiritual matters related to Muslim employees in the SAPS.
Tel no (021) 409 6588 / 6585 /6591 / 6592/ 6593 / 6594
The Recruitment Centre, SA Police Service, Private Bag X9004, Cape Town, 8000
SAPS Recruitment Centre, 1st Floor, Customs House building, Lower Heerengracht
Street, Cape Town
Only the official application form (available on the SAPS website and at SAPS recruitment
offices) will be accepted. All instructions on the application form must be adhered to.
Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application. The Z83 previously utilized
will no longer be accepted.
The post particulars and reference number of the post must be correctly specified on the
application form.
A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae must be submitted together with the application form.
Uncertified copies of an applicant’s ID, Senior Certificate and all educational qualifications
obtained, proof of Academic Records of qualification/s from recognised institution (SAQA
accredited) service certificates of previous employers stating the occupation, proof of
relevant experience in the field of the post and motor vehicle driver’s license, must be
attached to the application.
Qualifications and driver’s licences will be subjected to verification checking with the
relevant institution. The South African Police Service will verify the residential address of
applicants and conduct reference checks.
All short-listed candidates will be subjected to fingerprint screening.
Persons who retired from the Public Service by taking a severance package, early retirement
or for medical reasons, as well as persons with previous convictions, are excluded. Persons
who retired due to medical reasons, may however be considered if they can provide recent
and conclusive proof of recovery.
Applications must be mailed timeously. Late applications will not be accepted or
considered. The closing date for all applications is 19 July 2024.
If a candidate is short-listed, it can be expected of him/her to undergo a personal interview.
Short-listed candidates will be subjected to security clearance.
Correspondence will be conducted with successful candidates only. If you have not been
contacted within 3 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that
your application was unsuccessful.
Appointments will be made in terms of the Police Service Act, 1995 (Act no 68 of 1995) as
Applicants appointed under the Police Service Act will be subjected to a medical assessment
by a medical practitioner as determined by SAPS prescripts.
Applicants appointed under the Police Service Act will be subjected to undergo a lateral
entry programme at a SAPS Academy & Training Centre and will be expected to qualify as
competent and to maintain such competency throughout his or her service, by the
employee to possess and use of a firearm(s) as required by the SAPS.
It will be expected of candidates appointed under the Police Service Act, 1995 (Act no 68 of
1995) to maintain a valid driver’s license throughout his or her service in the SAPS.
The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill a post after advertisement
Short-listed candidates for appointment to certain identified posts will be vetted in terms
of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No
32 of 2007) and the children’s Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005). A candidate, whose
particulars appear in either the National Register of Sex Offenders or Part B of the Child
Protection Register, will be disqualified from appointment to the post.
The Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act, Act 37 of 2013 requires that all
new appointments in the South African Police Service as from 31 January 2015 provide a
buccal (inside cheek) sample in order to determine their forensic DNA profile. The
forensic DNA profile derived from the sample will be loaded to the Elimination Index of
the National Forensic DNA Database

The South African Police Service (SAPS) Special Task Force (STF) is undertaking a recruitment initiative to
address the high attrition rate within the Special Task Force: Division: Visible Policing and Operations.
Qualified individuals who meet the following requirements and who are interested in employment in the STF of the SAPS are invited to indicate their interest in writing: Targeted Recruitment: Only individuals with existing STF or equivalent military training (e.g. South African Special Forces (ONLY SF) will be considered.
- Successful candidates will be appointed as STF Operators/Members, in the rank of Warrant Officer.
- Candidates who have previously held a rank of Captain or above may be offered an equivalent rank, subject to available posts.
- Successful candidates will be expected to enter into a five-year contract with the SAPS.
- Valid driver’s license and firearm competency.
- Compliance with National Instruction 18 of 2019 (Integrity Management) in as far a Remunerative Work is concerned.
- Successful fitness and shooting evaluation.
- Successful completion of refresher or conversion courses.
- Confirmation of Suitability for appointment.
Interested candidates are required to submit a written expression of interest by the deadline of 31 July 2024. Prospective candidates will be issued with a written salary offer for consideration and acceptance, and no expectation to be appointed may be created until a formal appointment letter has been issued.
Candidates who are offered employment (enlistment) will be expected to subject themselves to a vetting process, which includes the submission of various documents such as;
- Updated/recent Curriculum Vitae (CV);
- Certificate of acceptance of the post/appointment and salary offer;
- Certificate of the unauthorised disclosure of information;
- Code of Conduct;
- WP1002;
- Nomination of beneficiaries (Death Grant);
- Proof of registration with the South African Revenue Service (SARS);
- Fingerprints and AFIS report from LCRC;
- Certificate from the Commander of the candidate that they did not have any pending criminal/departmental cases or investigations or any criminal/department convictions when they resigned from the Service;
- Confirmation of acceptance of duty.
- Appointed candidates are expected to start working at in the SAPS within two months, after having been offered employment;
- Compensations: A scarce skills allowance is payable to qualifying employees.
Colonel GC Barties: 012 400 6440 | 082 371 7355
Hand deliver or courier applications to: Maupa Naga Building, 3 Troye Street, 2nd Floor Special Task Force.
Sunnyside, Pretoria 0132
How To Apply SAPS New Vacancies July 2024
About SAPS
The South African Police Service operates as an arm of the government of the day, with the powers which, through the democratic process, are allocated to it by the citizenry. The police are, therefore, not the servants of any particular political party or group
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