R350 SRD Grant Beneficiaries Approved This Month to Receive Payments by Friday – SASSA Update

R350 SRD Grant Beneficiaries Approved This Month to Receive Payments by Friday - SASSA Update

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has announced that beneficiaries who have been approved for R350 SRD (social relief of distress) grants this month are set to receive their payments by the upcoming Friday. Despite some initial delays, SASSA is working diligently to ensure timely payouts for eligible recipients.

Understanding the R350 SRD Grant Payment Schedule

SASSA has addressed concerns raised by beneficiaries regarding the delays in grant disbursement. While the agency initially stated that all grants, including the SRD grant, would be distributed on August 2, 3, and 4, unexpected delays occurred. To clarify the situation, SASSA has outlined the following payment schedule:

  • Payment Processing: From August 25 to 31, payments for approved clients will undergo processing.
  • Payment Date Verification: Beneficiaries are advised to regularly check the SRD website during this period to confirm the exact date when their payment will be credited to their bank accounts.

Efforts to Ensure Smooth Payouts

SASSA’s spokesperson, Paseka Letsatsi, mentioned in an interview with Newzroom Afrika that the agency is taking measures to address the delay issues and ensure a streamlined payment process. He acknowledged a backlog that led to the postponement of grant payments and emphasized that every month, applicant eligibility is evaluated to ensure accuracy and fairness in distribution.

Appointing a Procurator for Beneficiaries Facing Challenges

For beneficiaries facing difficulties in collecting their payments, SASSA recommends the appointment of a procurator. A procurator is an authorized individual who can collect the grant on behalf of the beneficiary. The agency has provided guidelines for appointing a procurator:

  • Procurator Criteria: To act as a procurator, the individual must meet the following criteria:
    • Be at least 18 years old
    • Hold permanent residency in South Africa
    • Not be an unrehabilitated insolvent
    • Express willingness to represent the beneficiary
    • Possess a valid 13-digit South African ID
    • Provide a life certificate for the beneficiary
    • Ensure the beneficiary has no outstanding debts with the procurator
    • Not represent more than five beneficiaries
    • Furnish an affidavit confirming the collected funds will be handed over to the beneficiary
    • Submit identity documents of both the beneficiary and the appointee.

Stay informed about SRD grant payment dates and processes by visiting the official SRD website and following SASSA updates. As SASSA works to improve the distribution process, eligible beneficiaries can expect a more efficient and timely experience.

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