Will NSFAS Pay For Umfolozi TVET College : NSFAS bursary goes beyond just covering your fees and is a highly sought-after bursary in South Africa. If you’re planning to study further, you might be wondering whether a NSFAS bursary will cover your studies.
Umfolozi TVET College is one of 9 TVET Colleges in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Situated on north coast of KwaZulu-Natal, the College boasts fully fledged campuses offering Certificate and Diploma Courses in the fields of Business and Engineering Studies.
Will students at the College be able to have their fees paid for by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)?
What is NSFAS?
NSFAS is the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Nsfas which provides financial aid in the form of a bursary fund for higher education students through NSFAS.
NSFAS gives bursaries to students from poor and working class backgrounds which goes beyond just paying for your fees. They’ll also pay the NSFAS students’ registration, accommodation, transport, books through NSFAS allowances using the NSFAS bank account.
Will NSFAS pay for Umfolozi TVET College Courses?
NSFAS provides funding to students studying at one of the 50 public TVET Colleges in the country. Seeing that Umfolozi TVET College is a public TVET College, this means that students at the college can apply for NSFAS.
NSFAS Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a South African citizen
- Must be registered or intending to register on a PLP, NC(V) or Report 191 programme at any public TVET College in South Africa
- Must be admitted/received a firm offer for enrolment in a College
- Must be in need of financial assistance
- Applicants will qualify if they fall within the maximum threshold of up to R350 000 of combined gross family income per annum
- Returning students must demonstrate proven and accepted academic performance (academically deserving) in line with the College’s progression policy or the progression prescriptions of the Bursary Rules and Guidelines (whichever is higher)
- Must not be enrolling for a qualification that duplicates previous learning that was state funded.
How To Apply
You can apply at TVET college bursary offices, Online through myNSFAS or at the NSFAS head office.
Here’s how applications for the NSFAS bursary can be submitted online through the NSFAS website:
Step 1: Visit the NSFAS website.
Step 2: Click on the ‘myNSFAS’ tab.
Step 3: Create a myNSFAS account.
Step 4: Click on the ‘APPLY’ tab and complete the sections on the screen.
Step 5: Upload required supporting documents where applicable.
Step 6: Click on ‘Submit’
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