Musina Municipality is welcoming applications from South African students for the Mayor’s Fund Bursary Programme for the academic year 2024.
Bursary Application Closing Date: 05 January 2024
The Mayor’s Fund Bursary provided by the Musina Local Municipality aims to assist deserving learners from disadvantaged backgrounds who struggle to access tertiary education due to financial constraints. Here is an overview and details about the bursary:
Bursary Coverage:
- The Mayor’s Bursary Fund will cover expenses such as registration fees, tuition fees, costs for books, and accommodation.
Eligibility/Selection Criteria:
- Applicants must be residents of Musina Local Municipality.
- Parents of applicants must be unemployed, classified as indigent, or earning less than R3500 per month.
- Applicants should be in Grade 12 during the current financial year or have passed Grade 12.
- Preference is given to learners who have passed Grade 12.
- Special cases aiming to assist learners with potential from disadvantaged communities unable to access tertiary education will also be considered.
Bursary Terms and Conditions:
- Children of Councilors and officials are ineligible to apply.
- Successful candidates must commit to serving the Municipality for a minimum of one (1) year up to the equivalent number of years the bursary covers.
- Monitoring systems will ensure successful completion of studies.
- Certain expenses might not be covered by the bursary.
- Misconduct could lead to forfeiting the benefits.
- Providing semester or half-yearly results is mandatory.
Targeted Fields of Study: The bursary covers a wide range of fields including Engineering, Tourism, Agriculture, Public Administration, IT, Environmental Science, Media Studies, Human Resource, Town Planning, etc.
Tertiary Institutions Recommended: Applicants can enroll in various South African Universities, Colleges, and Further Education and Training Colleges, including but not limited to UNIVEN, University of Limpopo, UNISA, TUT (Polokwane Campus), Madzivhandila Agricultural College, Vhembe TVET College, Capricorn TVET College, among others.
How to apply
- Eligible learners must complete the prescribed application form along with required documents.
- Necessary documents include proof of residence, reference letter from the school principal (for Grade 12), certified copies of ID/Birth Certificate of Student & Parents or Guardian, an affidavit from the Parent or Guardian, and certified Grade 12 June results.
- Applications should be addressed to the Mayor’s Office at 21 Irwin Street Musina 0900.
Closing Date for Applications: 05 January 2024
Selected learners will be notified in writing and telephonically. Interested and eligible candidates meeting the specified criteria should ensure to submit their applications before the closing date.
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