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The purpose of the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) is to provide partial short-term assistance to individuals who lose their jobs due to adoption, maternity, parental leave, or illness. UIF funds are accessible to individuals who have contributed to UIF while employed.
Claiming UIF will cover a portion of your monthly expenses until you are able to get back on your feet if you become unemployed.
This article describes the process for claiming UIF benefits.
How Do I Register for UIF?
Register by reading and accepting the terms on this page.

Here is where you may Login after registering
To activate your Employee account, you must have access to the following documents and details:
- Valid 13-digit South African identification number
- Your email address (to which we will send all correspondence).
- Cell phone number (required)
- As a registered online employee, you will be able to submit your Application for Benefits (for Unemployment, Reduced Time Benefits, Maternity, Illness, and Adoption), Continuation of Benefits, and Notice of Appeal in a secure manner.
You may wish to read Who is eligible for UIF and how much can they receive.
How do you apply for benefits from the UIF?
You may submit your application in person or online.
In-person application:
Step one is to visit a Department of Labor employment office and fill out the correct claim form. Depending on the type of benefit being requested, the following documents must be brought: Leave only copies of the following documents with the Unemployment Insurance Fund: proof of identity, proof of income, banking information, certificate of service, medical certificates, adoption order, birth certificate/s, marriage certificate, and/or death certificate.
Step 2: Submit the completed claim form within the prescribed timeframe, which is: within 12 months of becoming unemployed, however, the period of unemployment must be longer than 14 days; within six months of becoming ill, however, the period of illness must be longer than seven days; and within 12 months of giving birth, the claim may be submitted at any time before or after the birth. Prior to claiming maternity benefits, however, an employee must have been employed for at least 13 weeks; within 12 months of a court order for adoption being granted, however, only one parent of the adopted child is eligible for adoption benefits and only if the child is under the age of two; within 18 months of the employee’s death.
Step 3: Provide any additional information the claims agent may require to investigate the claim.
Step four involves following up on the claim investigation and whether or not the claim was approved. If approved, the claims officer will inform the employee of the benefit to which s/he is entitled, the amount that will be paid, and/or whether there are any other conditions to receiving the benefit, such as periodic visits to an employment office. In addition, the claims officer will inform the employee if his/her claim was invalid and the reasons why.
Collect the benefit payment at the employment office where the claim was submitted or at the employment office specified on the claim form.
Online application: Visit the uFiling website – this is a FREE online service that enables you to submit your UIF declarations and monthly contributions in a secure manner. It leverages the Internet to enable Domestics, Commercial Employers, and Practitioners to submit monthly UIF declarations and pay UIF contributions securely.
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