Department of Agriculture is Looking For General Workers x7 posts
Job Highlights
The Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is hiring General Workers x7 posts. These are great jobs if you possess Grade 10/ABET/AET Level 4.
Closing date: 19 July 2024 @ 16H00
SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)
CENTRE : Limpopo Province, South Africa
Job Requirements
SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)
- Capricorn South Ref No: LDARD 32/5/2024 (X1 Post)
- Mopani North Ref No: LDARD 33/5/2024 (X2 Posts)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10/ABET/AET Level 4 or equivalent qualification. Basic numeracy.
Knowledge, Competencies and Skills: Knowledge of cleaning procedures and gardening principles. Ability to operate basic garden equipment and machinery.
Knowledge of maintenance of relevant equipment. Good interpersonal relations Be able to work in a team. Be able to perform manual work. Show commitment and loyalty. Must be punctual, productive and show good behaviour towards customers. Communication skills.
DUTIES : Maintain premises and surroundings. Maintenance and safekeeping of gardening equipment. Moving furniture and equipment as required.
Removing garbage and empty boxes. Assist in receiving stock and goods. Reporting losses/damage to equipment. Loading and offloading of goods.
ENQUIRIES : Capricorn District: Ms. Sebatjane LD Tel No: (015) 632 8609, Ms. Moeti M Tel No: (015) 632 8619 Mopani District: Ms. Malatji MA Tel No: (015) 812 3210 or Ms. Chaka NS Tel No: (015) 812 2275.
SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)
CENTRE : Vhembe District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10/ABET/AET Level 4 or equivalent qualification. Basic numeracy.
Knowledge, Competencies and Skills: Knowledge of cleaning procedures and gardening principles. Ability to operate basic garden equipment and machinery.
Knowledge of maintenance of relevant equipment. Good interpersonal relations Be able to work in a team. Be able to perform manual work. Show commitment and loyalty. Must be punctual, productive and show good behaviour towards customers. Communication skills.
DUTIES : Maintain premises and surroundings. Maintenance and safekeeping of gardening equipment. Moving furniture and equipment as required.
Removing garbage and empty boxes. Assist in receiving stock and goods. Reporting losses/damage to equipment. Loading and offloading of goods.
ENQUIRIES : Mammburu TD Tel No: (015) 963 2005 or Rathogwa MM Tel No: (015) 963 2007
SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)
CENTRE : Vhembe District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10/ABET/AET level 2 or equivalent qualification.
Knowledge, competencies, and skills: Basic literacy and numeracy. Able to read and write. Knowledge of security services. Communication Skills. Good interpersonal relations. Report writing.
DUTIES : To perform routine manual farming activities. Control over Movement of cloven hooved animals. Stop, register, and search vehicle from the redline area.
Check meat, dairy product, dung, grass, hides, skins, etc. Confiscate all product listed in (ii) above. Open and close the gate. Report confiscated products to the supervisor for further attention.
Conduct fence patrol. Routine check of the redline fence. Repair of fence breakage. Trace animal track along the redline fence. Clear bushes along the redline fence. Control over quarantined animals.
Check permit for animal quarantined. Liaise with the Animal Health Technician for inspection. Keep records. Keep permits register. Keep register for quarantined animals. Keep register for vehicle movement.
ENQUIRIES : Mammburu TD Tel No: (015) 963 2005 or Rathogwa MM Tel No: (015) 963 2007
How to Apply
First, DOWNLOAD THE FULL JOBS ADVERT [pdf] document and view all the open positions at various locations.
Applicants must quote the relevant reference number on the application and forward electronically to Recruitment@agric.limpopo.gov.za or the below addresses:
For Head office: Polokwane, Mara Research Centre and Towoomba Research Centre and Madzivhandila College of Agriculture: The Head of Department: Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Private Bag X9487, Polokwane 0700 or hand delivered to: Office 48, Temo Towers Floor 2, 67/69 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0699.
Mopani District: The Director: Mopani District – Limpopo Agriculture and Rural Development, Private Bag X577, Giyani 0826 or hand delivered to: Old Parliamentary Building, Giyani 0826.
Waterberg District: The Director: Waterberg District – Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Private Bag X1048, Modimolle 0510 or hand delivered to: NTK Building, Modimolle 0510.
Capricorn District: The Director: Capricorn District – Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Private Bag X28, Chuenespoort 0745 or hand delivered to: Block 28 Next to Traffic Government offices: Lebowakgomo.
Sekhukhune District: The Director: Sekhukhune District – Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Private Bag X01, Chuenespoort 0745 or hand delivered to: Block 27 Next to Traffic Government offices: Lebowakgomo.
Vhembe District: The Director: Vhembe District – Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Private Bag X2247, Sibasa 0970 or Physical address: Handed in at Makwarela Government offices.
Applications quoting the relevant reference number must be submitted on the new Z83 form [pdf]. Please see guide on Tips on how to complete Z83 application form for employment in Public Service.
Received applications using the incorrect application for employment (old Z83) will not be considered.
Each application for employment form must be fully completed, initialled and signed by the applicant. Failure to fully complete, initial and sign this form may lead to disqualification of the application during the selection process.
A recently updated comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience) is required
About Department of Agriculture
The mandate of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) includes developing agricultural value chains, providing agricultural inputs, and monitoring production and consumption in the agriculture sector, as well as facilitating comprehensive rural development.
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