Funza Lushaka Graduates : The Education department has provided significant funding to ensure there is a consistent supply of qualified teachers for the education sector. However, recent results indicate that only half of the students who received funding for their teaching qualification are working in schools.
The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme is dedicated to encouraging teaching as a profession among young people by offering comprehensive bursaries to individuals pursuing teaching qualifications. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has revealed how many graduates who received the bursary are currently working in schools.
The funding provided by Funza covers Bachelor of Education (BEd) and Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) courses at all 26 public universities in South Africa.
Another crucial aspect of the Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme aims to place teaching graduates in schools after they complete their qualifications. This ensures that recipients not only receive comprehensive funding but also have promising employment prospects shortly after graduation.
This bursary also ensures there’s are constant supply of qualified teachers for government schools.
The DBE has revealed that 2,433 Funza Lushaka graduates have been placed in schools. However, this only represents 49% of Funza Lushaka bursary recipients. It was revealed that 2,503 graduates remain unplaced.
The Northern Cape province had the highest placement rate among Funza Lushaka graduates boasting a 84% placement rate. However, it must be noted that the province has the lowest number of bursary recipients with only 57 beneficiaries.
The province with the most placed bursary receipts was Gauteng with 499 placements. However, 529 graduates remain unplaced in the province.
Since its inception, the Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme has successfully trained and integrated new teachers into the education system.
From 2007, when bursary recipients completed their studies and became eligible for placement in 2008, up to the most recent data in 2023, a cumulative total of 52,099 teachers have completed their training through the program, showcasing its success in bolstering the education sector with well-prepared professionals.
Since 2013, approximately 81.78% of Funza Lushaka graduates have found placement in schools, equivalent to an average of around 4,300 graduates per year. These graduates make up a substantial portion of all educators absorbed into the public education system annually, emphasising the programme’s vital role in revitalising the teaching profession.
The financial commitment required for a program of this scale is substantial. Between 2007 and 2022, the total financial investment in the Bursary Programme across participating Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) amounts to R13 billion.
Applications for the Funza Lushaka Bursary are open for 2024. Apply Now.
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